Sawston Medical Centre, Linton Health Centre, Market Hill Surgery,
Barley Surgery, Shelford Health Centre & Royston Health Centre.

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Sawston Medical Centre, Linton Health Centre, Market Hill Surgery, Barley Surgery, Shelford Health Centre & Royston Health Centre.


Research at Granta

We have a fantastic number of patients involved in research. For the last two years, Granta has been the top recruiting GP practice in the region. In 2023-2024, 1,199 Granta patients took part in research directly through the practice. These fantastic figures are thanks to our patients and their commitment to helping develop new treatments and evaluate NHS services and care.

These figures reflect those who take part in research through Granta. However, there are many other ways you can get involved. For example, you may get involved in secondary care (hospital) research, such as clinical trials for new treatments or medication. Some of you may take part in Public and Patient Involvement groups (PPI), feeding back to research teams on their proposals and the information to be sent out to possible participants.

Some of the studies in recent years you might have heard of or taken part in include:

A trial of a new tool, the cytosponge, to help detect Barrett’s Oesophagus and the increased risk for oesophageal cancer it can result in.

A screening tool for Atrial Fibrillation (AF). AF is thought to be a factor in increased risk of stroke.

A questionnaire about data sharing and consent tools in the NHS.

This is a current urgent Public Health Research  project evaluating treatments for COVID-19 in the over 60’s / people over 50 with underlying health concerns that may put them at greater risk of coronavirus.

Where research opportunities come from

Research comes to us via:-

1. National Institute for Health Research (NIHR)
We receive funding from the NIHR to cover some clinical time for our Principal Investigator and training for GPs to be involved with research, and employ a research co-ordinator. 

2. Clinical Research Network (CRN)
The vast majority of research projects come through us via the CRN. The majority of these are publicly funded through the NIHR (research arm of the NHS) and are usually partnerships between the NHS and academic institutes.

3. NIHR & Commercial Companies Partnerships
A smaller amount of research comes via this route and is something we would consider work with
IF it was deemed suitable for our patient group and / or could lead to improvements in care.

Granta Research Projects

Research projects are advertised through the NIHR and practices are invited to express their interest in taking part. When considering a study, Granta looks at how suitable the study is for our practice population:

  • What is being asked of patients when they take part?
  • How will the study benefit patients?
  • Are there any negatives in taking part?
  • How is all of the above information being explained to patients?

The most important things for us to consider before taking on any research study is the safety of the patients taking part, their fully informed consent, and that the study respects those taking part.

We carry out an automated search through our clinical system to identify people who might like to take part in a particular study and check that the study is appropriate for the patient. We then send a letter to the patient to tell them that the study is available, what it is about, what it involves, and how to contact the study team if they wish to take part.

Research & Confidentiality

Please be reassured that we will never give out your personal information without consent. We send out letters on behalf of a study team so we do not pass on any patient information. If you wish to take part in a particular study there will be details of how to contact the study directly to join, the study team then get in touch with us and, providing they can produce a copy of your signed consent form, we will send them relevant information.

Any staff member involved in research undertakes Good Clinical Practice and Informed Consent training, in addition to any other mandatory training they are required to do.

Further Information

Below are some links that can provide you with further information.  If you would like to speak to someone at Granta about research and how your information is managed please do not hesitate to call our research team on 0300 234 5555 or email 


This is the COVID-19 trial mentioned above. Please do contact the team if you or someone you know is interested in taking part.

Visit the Principle Trial website

Vaccine Registry

The Vaccine Registry are compiling a database of people who would like to be approached when a COVID-19 vaccine trial becomes available. This is NOT signing yourself up to a trial, rather an expression of interest.

Visit the NHS website vaccine research section

Join Dementia Research

This is another database for people who are willing to be contacted and asked to take part in studies. They need volunteers of all ages, healthy or affected by dementia, either as an individual themselves or as a carer.

Visit the NIHR dementia research website

Public and Patient Involvement Group (PPI)

This is run by Addenbrookes hospital. When you join the PPI group you may be invited to comment on research proposals (by email), take part in discussion groups with researchers, or review plain English summaries / patient information, etc. 

You can contribute as much or as little as you like, and you might find you have a specific interest / insight into certain types of trials and research.

Visit the Addenbrooke’s website PPI section