Sawston Medical Centre, Linton Health Centre, Market Hill Surgery,
Barley Surgery, Shelford Health Centre & Royston Health Centre.

NHS logo

Sawston Medical Centre, Linton Health Centre, Market Hill Surgery, Barley Surgery, Shelford Health Centre & Royston Health Centre.

Health advice & Self-care

NHS Health A-Z – conditions and treatments

Visit the NHS online reference website for a wide range of conditions

Information resources

The website has a wealth of useful information, a symptoms checker, articles and useful links and references. You can visit the website here

What is self-care

Self-care is about looking after yourself in a healthy way. It can be anything from brushing your teeth to doing some exercise, managing common conditions such as headaches, cold and flu or living with a long term health problem, such as asthma or diabetes.

To find out more, visit

Self referral

What is self-referral?

Did you know that there are some free NHS health services you can access without needing an appointment with your GP? This is called self-referral and could help you find the care you need quicker and more easily than going through your surgery.

You can register for most of them online. In some cases you refer yourself by phoning rather than emailing or by completing an online form.

Self-referral services vary by area, and they may be provided by a variety of organisations. Find more information and services local to you by visiting the NHS website.

Self Referral crisis banner image

Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Psychological Wellbeing Service

This service is for patients aged 17 years old and over. It works by helping you understand what is happening to you, help you work through your difficult feelings and learn new ways of copying in order to improve your wellbeing.

Visit the psychological wellbeing service website

North East Hertfordshire Wellbeing Service

This is a self-referral NHS service provided in partnership with local GPs and other health care providers, to ensure a joined up approach to your care. You have to be 16 years old and over to self refer and be registered with a GP in Hertfordshire.

Visit the North East Herts wellbeing service website


You can self refer for physiotherapy online here

Dynamic Health physiotherapy service logo

Sexual Health self referral

Visit the online resource for sexual health self referral

icash sexual health link logo

NHS UK Live Well

Advice, tips and tools to help you make the best choices about your health and wellbeing.

Visit the NHS Live Well website

traffic light - when to call 999

Call 999 for

Life threatening emergencies such as:-
Major accident or trauma
Severe bleeding
Severe breathlessness
Loss of consciousness
Severe chest pain
traffic light - when to call 111

Call 111 when

You think you need to go to A&E or to another NHS urgent care service
Your GP surgery is closed and you
need healthcare advice
You don’t know who to call
for medical help
traffic light - when to go to local chemist

Your local chemist can help with:-

Minor cuts & abrasions
Upset stomachs & rehydration
Coughs & sore throats
Heartburn / indigestion
Colds & flu

Disposal of syringes and clinical waste

Please dispose of syringes and clinical waste safely and responsibly.  Please contact your local service to arrange collection:

For Cambridgeshire

Clinical waste – South Cambs District Council

For Hertfordshire

Domestic clinical waste | North Herts Council