How soon does it work
Copper coils work immediately.
Hormonal coils – (Mirena, Jaydess, Kyleena, Levosert):
- Fitted up to day 7 of menstrual cycle – works immediately
- Fitted after day 7 of menstrual cycle – works after another 7 days
After the fit
- Sex – we would advise waiting for 24 hours before having sex to allow the coil to settle.
- Tampons – in the first 24 hours use a pad if you need to. This will give the coil time to settle.
- Moon cups– manufacturers recommend delaying use of a moon cup for six weeks after having a coil fitted. They also recommend that you make sure the cup is low in the vagina and that you break the seal before you remove it.
- Exercise including swimming– it is best to wait 24 – 48 hours before exercise to let the coil settle. If you are still experiencing pain after the fitting it is best to wait until that stops.
- X-rays including an MRI – having an Xray including an MRI is generally fine but always tell the person doing your Xray or scan that you have a coil.